Gain stress-free insight into the performance of your contact center thanks to the amazing features QuickTest has to offer. Enhanced automated testing has never been better!!
Service Assurance and Proactive Monitoring
QuickTest helps you schedule any type of test case, ensuring that it runs automatically. Results will be shared via SMS or email. Enjoy additional peace of mind, improved quality of service bringing about customer satisfaction and a reduced churn rate, as well as less downtime, reduced MTTR and smaller number of maintenance actions. It can create alerts and directly feed it to your monitoring platform so that the corrective actions can be taken

Functional Testing
Automated functional and regression testing that executes scripted test cases on a software application. Thanks to this feature, you and your team can dramatically expand test coverage while maintaining the same labor cost.
IVR Testing
IVR testing tools that monitor production and identify issues fast, automates regression and functional testing, perform load testing, and update test cases when IVR design changes are made. Easy to use and integrate with Artificial intelligence, quick to configure and provides accurate results at all times, has all the key languages supported, works with NLU and Voice BOT platforms, works with any IVR Platform.

Load and Performance Testing
QuickTest is able to load the system for all various channels and stress the system so that you know if the platform is working as you have designed. You can load the platform not only when you have deployed but after each major upgrade
Virtual Agent
QuickTest is able to login as an agent and answer interactions so that you get a validation of end to and experience

Multi Channel
QuickTest supports all the Morden digital channels such as Inbound Voice, IVR, SMS, Chat, Email, Facebook, WhatsApp and many more as well as custom channels with our enterprise plan
Increase Team Efficiency and Productivity
Efficiency and productivity is the name of the game in test automation nowadays, with a combination of speed combined with robustness. QuickTest features offer you just that – SPEED and ROBUSTNESS.
Enhanced Reporting and Alerts
Enjoy enhanced reporting of all different types of testing done by this software. Alerts can be configured when tests fail.
Cloud Solution
Want to have your automated testing integrated in not time? Leverage our cloud Platform. Cloud enables provisioning of test servers on demand.
Multi-channel Support
Support for traditional voice, digital channels, such as Facebook, Email, Chat, SMS, WhatsApp and many more as well as customs channels such as Lithium
Customer Journey Tests
Our Auto Pilot starts a test with one channel to ensure that customer profiles are linked within contact database and to validate if your holistic view is correctly working.
Artificial Intelligence
Our AI helps you create more reliable automated tests, run more automated tests that matter, and most importantly, enjoy more accurate test results.
Customer to Agent
An end-to-end testing that simulates the real user scenario, as well as validates the system under test and its components for integration and data integrity.